
Hi there! The Sonny Skye is a blog fully inspired by living life in a new generation of rainbow children!
This blog is about one momma learning how to live a more insightful and loving life!

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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Homemade Playdough

Autumn and I made playdough about a month ago, and she's still sooooo proud of it. I have this photo of her on the memory cork board in the kitchen and everytime she see's it she says: "Remember when I was little and made playdough?" Apparently, a month ago she was "little."

I actually just had to throw it out because since they sat for a few weeks the liquid started to seperate from it and looked really gross.

However, after three failed attempts this is the recipe/and how-to that I used, mixing the instructions from a couple of different pinterest sources.

This is the recipe that I used:

For each color I used this amount:
2 cups flour
2 cups warm water
1 cup salt
2 Tablespoons vegetable oil
Food coloring

*Oh and glitter. We definately mixed in glitter to make them "sparkerlee."

1. I started by having Autumn pour the warm water and vergetable oil together in an already warmed up pot. Warm pot, NOT hot. I also like to add the food coloring drops in now, because it mixes easier.
2. Then start to slowly mix the salt and flower in. Also- add glitter if you want.
3. Keep stirring until it begins to feel like playdough.
4. Roll into a ball and let cool. It will be hot at first, so be careful with the little hands.

We made all sorts of colors and Autumn played for hours. When we were done we put it in reuseable plastic containers, the type that you use for leftover food.

She loved it and played with it everyday until she decided the carpet needed "clothes" and she rubbed blue playdough into the carpet. Then it went in the closet and stayed there while it seperated.

So... two weeks of playing with it and it still was staying together well. Shelf life? Not so long.

Hope you have fun!

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