
Hi there! The Sonny Skye is a blog fully inspired by living life in a new generation of rainbow children!
This blog is about one momma learning how to live a more insightful and loving life!

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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Wisdom Wednesday- Live & Let Live.

When you see/hear/read something that doesn't fit into your personal mold of normal, ask your self these questions prior to making a negative comment, thought,  or judgement:

1.Does this affect me personally?
2. Is this hurting any individuals who are unable to protect themselves?
3. Is anyone going to be physically or emotionally impacted that is unable to defend themselves?

If your answers are no- stay the hell out of it.

Now I'm not saying a little political debate is terrible, because you best believe I'm one of the first people to jump in on an intense political debate.  What I am saying is this- live and let live.

If you don't think gay marriage deserves equal rights, that's fine. I may argue why it does deserve equal rights, but I'm probably not going to persuade you otherwise, so I won't invest much emotion into it. However, if you become rude or emotionally abusive towards those in the LGBTQ community, you've crossed a line from being a human with opinions, to being an asshole.

Because guess what? A gay man getting married to another man does not physically harm you, nor does it affect anyone else. Someone else's love is not the lack of your own, is it? So being hurtful does nothing but promote negativity.
This example can be applied to so many different scenarios. 

The plus sized woman wearing shorts that you consider "too short for a woman that size" isn't hurting a damn person by staying cool. 
The parent giving their child organic or non organic that irritates you for either being a hipster/careless- doesn't deserve any type of response from someone who IS NOT THAT CHILD'S PARENT.

I get it, we all have opinions, but an opinion is NOT the same as an insult. The internet gives bullies a way to hide behind a screen and throw text bullets at other people's self esteem, but it isn't only online. Jerks are everywhere, and they feel like anything outside of THEIR norm is wrong, and that these people should feel bad for being "wrong." It's an epidemic of negativity but what I don't understand is if it is not harming you or your loved ones why the *eff* does it matter? I reiterate- let's all just live our lives and let other's live theirs!

Do you all have any other examples of things people get worked up about that have *zero* effect on them?


  1. You are so right, I often have to tell myself to just walk away from a post that irritates me. It is just not worth the emotional energy.

  2. Yes, I blog about my health and that of my daughter and frequently have to put up with comments as to whether I should share this in public or not. Nobody's business but mine and for the record my daughter is 21. So yes, I agree.
